At HCC, we realize the important role that godly men have in our homes, church, and community. On Father’s Day, each man is honored. As part of the service, Jordan and Lucas shared a poem as a tribute.
Author: Web Admin
New Bible Study
Prayer Meeting
June 2024 – Young at Heart
Game Club Meets at the Parsonage
Start Your Engines?
HCC hosted its annual Grand Prix / Pinewood Derby Race. The event featured many entries with very creative designs. Winners were designated for both design and speed. The top design had the appearance of a banana. There was also a Mystery Machine (made famous by Scooby Doo) as well as a mouse trap, shoe, flag, fish, firetruck, and two unicorns. We thank the Coreys and Reamers for all their efforts in preparing the event. HCC is also thankful for Ladies Fellowship which organized the event.
Arts and Crafts Club
New Wednesday Bible Study
Wednesday – June 5 – HCC will begin a new SUMMER BIBLE STUDY that will explore evidence that supports the accounts of Genesis. This study will feature video clips from the recent documentary, The Ark and the Darkness, which was produced in association with Genesis Apologetics, Answers in Genesis, and Liberty University. The study will begin with a simple meal at 6:30 PM – followed by the study at 7 PM. The meeting will conclude with a time of prayer.