Church Picnic
The Church Picnic and Baptismal Service will be Sunday, August 7th at Noon at the Hartwig’s farm. The fourth annual HCC Corn Hole Tournament will be held at the picnic.
Vacation Bible School

VBS 2016
July 18th-22nd, 9:00am – 11:30am “Cow-a-Bunga” Farm: Growin’ with Our Faithful God.
Ages 4 – 6th grade
Day 1: God Has a Plan: Trust and Obey
Day 2: God Is with You: Serve Faithfully
Day 3: God Is in Control: Remain True to God
Day 4: God Convicts of Sin: Ask for God’s Forgiveness
Day 5: God Is Good: Trust His Plan
Variety Show
Saturday, 7:00 pm June 11th.
A love offering will be taken.
All proceeds to benefit the youth mission trip.
Garage Sale
The Meyer”s will be hosting a garage sale, May 12th – 26th, to benefit the Youth Mission Trip to Chicago.
Blood Drive (Mar)
Tuesday, March 15th
2:00 pm- 6:45 pm
Hadley Community Church
In the Fellowship Hall
3638 Hadley Rd., Hadley
One pint of blood can save up to three lives!
You must be 17 years old and 110 pounds.
Taking certain medications does not necessarily restrict you from giving blood.
You can give whole blood every 56 days.
Giving blood is a great way to support your community!
For more information go to
Special Event
A contemporary praise and worship service, “Worship and the Word”, will be held on Saturday, February 20th at 6:00pm. Pastor Jerry Croyts, from First Baptist Church of Howland, Ohio will be the guest speaker.
Valentine Banquet
The youth sponsored Valentine Dinner and One-Act Theatre is Saturday, February 13th at 6:00 pm. Enjoy a delightful four course Italian dinner while being entertained with a series of single act plays performed by our youth group. To attend, please sign up on the bulletin board, as space is limited.
AWANA Grand Prix
The AWANA Grand Prix is Saturday, February 6th at 10:00 am. Car Kits are available for $4.
Blood Drive (Jan)
Wednesday, January 13th
11:00 am- 5:00 pm
Hadley Community Church
In the Fellowship Hall
3638 Hadley Rd., Hadley
One pint of blood can save up to three lives!
You must be 17 years old and 110 pounds.
Taking certain medications does not necessarily restrict you from giving blood.
You can give whole blood every 56 days.
Giving blood is a great way to support your community!
For more information go to