The Annual Meeting will be held on Monday, January 15th at 7:00 pm. If you have any concerns or comments that you would like to have addressed at the meeting, please write them down on the white bulletin insert or download the insert below and put them in the mail slot of either Paul Duggan (Trustee President) or Glen Arens (Deacon Chairman).
Download -> annual_meeting2018
Blood Drive (Jan)
Blood Drive
Monday, January 22nd
2:00 pm- 6:45 pm
Hadley Community Church
In the Fellowship Hall
One pint of blood can save up to three lives!
You must be 17 years old and 110 pounds.
Taking certain medications does not necessarily restrict you from giving blood.
You can give whole blood every 56 days.
Giving blood is a great way to support your community!
Christmas Choir Concert
The choir will be presenting the Christmas Choir Concert, “Oh Little Town of Bethlehem” on Sunday, December 17th at 6:00 pm. This is a Great opportunity to invite friends and family.
Children’s Christmas Gala
The Children’s Christmas Gala will be Sunday, December 10th at 6:00 pm with refreshments to follow. Please bring some finger food to pass. If your child is interested in participating in any way; singing, playing an instrument, reciting a poem, or sharing some other talent, please contact Becky Schafka.
Ladies Fellowship Christmas Party
Ladies Fellowship Christmas Party will be:
Monday, November 27th at 6:30 pm.
There will be a gift exchange. Your gift can be new or used, store-bought or homemade. Just bring something you think another lady might enjoy. Also, you do not have to participate in the gift exchange to come. Please bring a gift to pass.
Blood Drive (Nov)
Blood Drive
Monday, November 20th
1:00 pm- 6:30 pm
Hadley Community Church
In the Fellowship Hall
One pint of blood can save up to three lives!
You must be 17 years old and 110 pounds.
Taking certain medications does not necessarily restrict you from giving blood.
You can give whole blood every 56 days.
Giving blood is a great way to support your community!
Operation Christmas Child
Road Rally
175th Anniversary
Download Invitation
Choir Practice
Choir practice resumes October 1st at 4:30 pm. Anyone 7th grade and up is welcome to participate. If you love to sing and have fun, please come and join us! Prior experience or musical skills are not necessary. Contact Becky if you have any questions.