College Career is a young adult ministry for ages 18-25 for those who are followers of Jesus Christ in college or early career years. We meet on Friday nights at 7:00 pm for a time of worship, Bible study, prayer, and fellowship. We also get together for various events and to minister together.
Category: Youth
Vacation Bible School

Come join Hadley Community Church for Vacation Bible School!
When: July 11th – 15th from 9am – 11:30am
Where: 3638 Hadley Rd., Hadley, MI 48440
Ages: 3 years old through youth that finished 6th grade
We will be teaching lessons on the sanctity of life.
If you need transportation to the church for VBS, please contact us at:
(810) 797-4540
(For more information and a chance to dunk the Youth Leader, come visit our booth in downtown
Hadley on the 4th of July during the parade!)
Register your child in person, or if you would like, online:
Vacation Bible School
Sign up for Vacation Bible School
Come and join the fun! There will be skits, Bible stories, crafts, games, snacks, and loads of fun!
3638 Hadley Rd., Hadley, MI
(complimentary coffee & devotion for parents/caregivers)
Vacation Bible School
Vacation Bible School
July 8th – 12th
9:00 – 11:30 a.m.
Ages 4 – 6th grade
Click to use our secure signup to register your child.
Come and join the fun! There will be skits, Bible stories, crafts, games, snacks, and loads of fun!
3638 Hadley Rd., Hadley, MI
Children’s Story & Craft Time
Please join us for Story Time here at the church on Wednesday, August 1st at 10 am. Perfect for kids ages 4-8, but everyone is welcome! There will be stories, crafts, and a snack.
- Story Time
- Craft
- Snack
AWANA Awards & Fair
Awana Awards ceremony is this Wednesday, April 18th at 7:00 p.m. Everyone is invited to help celebrate the accomplishments of our Awana kids. There will be no prayer meeting that evening.
Awana Fair is coming up April 25th. We need your help to make it a success. Would you be willing to help or donate items?
·Volunteer the night of the fair (sign-up on the bulletin board)
·Food items (sign-up on the bulletin board)
·Individually wrapped candy, pop (any size), and prizes (big and small).
·New and gently used stuffed animals.
AWANA Grand Prix
Saturday, February 3rd. AWANA kids third grade and up are invited to build and race a car. Car kits are available from Brenda Corey for $4. Kindergartners through second grade are invited to bring in a match box car to race. Weigh-in will start at 9:00 am and racing at 10:00 am.
AWANA Begins
AWANA begins Wednesday, September 6th at 6:30 pm.
Vacation Bible School
Vacation Bible School!
July 10-14 ~ 9-11:30 a.m.
for kids ages 4 through 6th grade
5 Great Lessons About the Life of David.
Students will experience medieval life, complete with a castle, knights, and royalty. Through the lessons, they’ll see God’s sovereignty, love, and faithfulness demonstrated in the life of David and will learn to praise the King of the universe.
Garage Sale
The Meyers will be having the Youth Group Mission Trip Garage Sale beginning Wednesday, May 17th thru Saturday, May 20th, and Thursday, May 25th thru Saturday, May 27th.