On June 24 and 25, Randy and Connie Harris (missionaries with Tech Team Advantage) visited Hadley Community Church. On Saturday evening, a meal was hosted to provide a time of fellowship with the Missions Committee. Also, Randy spoke during the Sunday school time about Tech Team Advantage’s ministry of solutions: facility solutions; funding solutions; media solutions; software solutions; and vehicle solutions. Visit www.techteam.org to learn more about this mission.
Category: Uncategorized
HCC Youth at the Creation Museum and the Ark Encounter
Members of the HCC Youth and CYF journeyed 350 miles from Hadley, MI to Kentucky to visit Answers in Genesis’ Creation Museum and Ark Encounter. As part of the trip, the group volunteered.
SERMON SERIES: The Problem With Pride
In a world that encourages the promotion and celebration of self, it is important to remember that God’s word calls us to lay aside our selfish ambitions. Throughout this month, we are going to explore the problem of impact that pride has on us. It prevents us from making progress. It causes self-deception. It leads us to reject the Word of God. Is it any wonder that God urges us to be people of humility?
Ice Cream Social
On June 14 (Wednesday), Hadley Community Church hosted a FLAG DAY ICE CREAM SOCIAL. The event featured periodic patriotic moments – including the singing of the National Anthem, discussion and recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance, contemplation of the symbolic nature of the flag, Flag Day trivia, and a “message from the Flag” shared by Hadley Historical Society President Brenda Reamer. We thank the Ladies Fellowship for organizing this event.
Praise, Prayer, and Picnic
During the evening of May 28th, the congregation of HCC united for a time of fellowship. This event was in conjunction with the current study of Ephesians 6:10-20 that has been featured in the Sunday morning and evening services, as well as the Wednesday evening Bible studies. A devotion based on an instruction to pray found in Ephesians 6:18 was presented by Pastor Matthew. In addition, several of the deacons of HCC (Pastor Bruce Craner, Jay TenBrink, and Glenn Walton) led the congregation in a time of prayer. The event also featured an indoor picnic with hot dogs, corn on the cob, pasta salad, baked beans, watermelon/fruit salad, potato chips, and delicious desserts.
Register for VBS 2023!
Hadley Community Church is excited to host its annual Vacation Bible School. This year the students will explore the Full Armor of God from Ephesians 6. Classes are offered for Pre-K through 6th grade. Also, a parents’ class will be offered. Transportation is available!! Join us July 10 -14!! Visit the VBS page for the link to register online.
Celebrating the Women in our Lives
The Ladies’ Fellowship group at Hadley Community Church hosted a tea party to celebrate the women in our lives: grandmothers; mothers; sisters; daughters; cousins; aunts; co-workers; neighbors; friends; and more! The event will took place on Saturday, May 20, 2023 at 2pm. Thank you to Flo Tatro and Leslie Kirkpatrick (and all the ladies) that helped to make the event so special!
Remember and Celebrate
The congregation of Hadley Community Church invites you to join us for a time of remembrance and celebration. HCC will host several events on RESURRECTION SUNDAY (Easter!) on April 9, 2023. Our SUNRISE SERVICE begins at 7:00 AM. This will be followed by: EASTER BREAKFAST at 8:00 AM; SUNDAY SCHOOL at 9:00 AM; and our WORSHIP SERVICE at 10:00 AM.
Annual Meeting Appointments
On February 6 HCC’s Annual Meeting was held with 46 members in attendance. At the meeting there were a number of positions which were voted on and approved, including:
• Deacon: Jay TenBrink, Glenn Walton
• Trustee: Jeff Smith
• Sunday School Super: Barb Hartwig
• Asst. Sunday School Super: Sue Harrington
• Head Usher: Bruce Katzmark
• Communion Stewards: Diane Katzmark, Kim Lench
• Memorial Chairperson: Brenda Reamer
We would like to thank everyone for their willingness to serve the Lord. Please keep these folks in your prayers.
Thomas Tatro Named HCC’s Youth Pastor
In 2021 Thomas Tatro was brought in to serve the Lord as HCC’s Youth Leader. Since then he and Florence have worked tirelessly in ministering to both the youth and the young adults while also reaching out to the surrounding community to serve and spread the news of what HCC is doing. In addition, Thomas recently completed his B.A. in Leadership Ministry and is now pursuing his Masters Degree (MDIV) at Liberty University. In recognition of his achievement, a special congregational meeting was held on March 12 to vote on a motion to elevate Thomas to the position of Youth Pastor. After prayerful consideration the motion was passed by an overwhelming majority. Congratulations Thomas and thank you for your service!