The congregation of HCC collected items to assist the students at Bendle Middle School. Thank you to all those that gave so generously to show the love of Christ during this special season.
As part of HCC’s Young-at-Heart Ministry, 50 cookies plates were created to bring Christmas cheers to seniors in our community. HCC thanks the 11 bakers that provided HUNDREDS of cookies for this delicious expression of God’s love! We thank Danielle and Lucas Coleman, Sharon Frisch, and Chris McIlroy for preparing the plates for distribution… (PS – Pastor Matthew taste-tested a few!!!)
Pastor Matthew (participating with the Hadley Lions Club) climbed into his snowman costume and sang Christmas carols through the streets of Hadley. This annual event featured the lighting of a Christmas tree at the Old Town Hall. Then, hundreds walked south on Hadley Road to the covered bridge at the Hadley Mill. Once there, the lights on the bridge appeared. The event was a fun time of community spirit.
During this special time of year, we invite you to join us during our worship services (Sunday at 10 AM and 6 PM). This month, we are exploring those that God entrusted with the message of the nativity of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. In the morning services, we will explore the angelic encounters recorded in the Gospels. During our evening services, we will look back at the prophetic words spoken about the birth of Christ.
Challenge yourself to memorize this verse this month. It is a great way to learn the Bible and to remind us that God had a plan… And He still does!
HCC is hosting a Christmas event for children on December 20, 2023. The event will feature games, crafts, prizes, Bible stories, and PIZZA. The event will provide parents with a few hours of time while sharing with the kids the truth about Christmas. Visit https://hadleycommunitychurch.org/?page_id=3979 for REGISTRATION information!
In recognition of Thanksgiving, HCC hosted its annual Soup, Sandwich, and Scripture event. This fellowship event provides opportunity to grow relationships. It featured delicious food and some fun games. Gaye TenBrink won the “Price is Right Game”. Julie Braun won the Bible Sword Drill game. Robert Hartwig won the Sweet Potato Golf Game. Glenn Walton won the “Guess How Many Cranberries Game!”