The Youth of HCC participated in a Pumpkin Decorating Contest. Second place went to Lucas Coleman. First place went to Joe Taulbee.
Author: Web Admin
Chestnuts Roasting On an Open Fire
HCC – Helping Our Neighbors
Youth Take Trip to Flint Firebird Hockey Game
Young at Heart Luncheon – September 2023
Hadley Community Church hosted the YOUNG AT HEART luncheon on September 9, 2023. The program featured a presentation by Sarah Bryson concerning her recent trip to Asia during the summer. This luncheon is open to anyone aged fifty or over. The free event provides a delicious meal, wonderful fellowship, and a program of interest.
August 2023 – HCC is collecting school supplies THROUGH SEPTEMBER to benefit Murphy Elementary School. The items requested include: backpacks; crayons; pencils; paper; scissors; pencil cases; glue sticks; Elmer’s glue; colored pencils; and markers. THANK YOU FOR YOUR GENEROUS SUPPORT OF THIS PROJECT. Your participation is greatly appreciated.
Each year, HCC participated (along with millions of believers) to prepare CHRISTMAS SHOEBOXES as part of OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD – a ministry of Samaritan’s Purse. NATIONAL COLLECTION WEEK is November 13 – 20, 2023. More information about this project is available at
Serving Our Neighbors
During the morning of Tuesday, July 26 – a group from HCC journey to Carriage Town Ministries in Flint, MI for a service project. The event was organized HCC Trustee Vice Chairman, David Harrington. While at CTM, the group created “Taste of Carriage Town” Lunchboxes. These boxes included: a delicious chicken salad sandwich; three Blueline donut holes; two salads; and chips. After completing that project, the group worked to make back-to-school backpacks. These backpacks contained essential school supplies. The trip was a wonderful opportunity to share the love of Christ with others. Future trips are being planned, so please plan to participate.
Celebrating The True Light of Christmas
HCC invites you and your family to join us for a special service to celebrate Christmas on Sunday, December 18 at 6PM. This service will feature special music, inspiration readings, and beautiful candlelight. The program will emphasize the truth that Jesus (whose birth we celebrate on Christmas) is the Light of the World. Please make plans to attend and bring your family and friends for a night that will remind us of God’s gracious plan for all.
Reflections On Thanksgiving
Although each year the world seems less and less focused on Thanksgiving, this is a wonderful time for Christians to remember the amazing blessings we have in our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ: Following are some quotes from fellow believers that reinforce the reasons we can be thankful each and every day!
•“Thank you heavenly father, for you have never failed anyone. You give me strength in times when I am weak.”
•“Thank you, God, for the blessing of a new and splendid day; to enjoy the sunshine in the morning, to have the chance to see the beauty of the stars in the evening.”
•“I was lost in darkness, but now I can see the light. Thank you for saving me. Thank you for everything you have done in my life.”
•“Thank you for giving me the strength to conquer challenges in life. Truly you are a loving God. I appreciate everything you have done for me.”
•“Thank you, Lord, for giving me the chance to enjoy life, for having the opportunity to love and be loved.”
•“Being your child is the most fulfilling thing in my life, knowing that I no longer live under the curse of sin. Through the blood of Jesus shed on the cross I have the hope of seeing eternity.”
•“When this crazy world says there is no God, I look around me and see how creation testifies to the power of your majesty. Thank you, God, for giving us the simple and the mighty things in life to declare your glory.”