On Wednesday, February 14 – HCC hosted an evening of fellowship. Participants brought snacks to share. Dozens of individuals participated. Featured was a game called “Playing Favorites” where attenders were invited to identify the “favorites” (ice cream, color, etc) of other church members. For example, Kent Copeman’s favorite ice cream flavor is VANILLA!! The group also participated in a “Sword Drill” where Bible verses on love were found. Thanks to all that attended and participated.
On Tuesday, Feb. 13 – HCC hosted its monthly Young At Heart lunch. More than fifty meals were served at the event. Elyse Lewis shared about the Hadley Township Historical Society’s new book “The History of the Hadley Mill.” Pastor Matthew Coleman shared a devotion on love – speaking, showing, and knowing it. He also led a discussion on opportunities to bless our community.
As we approach Valentine’s Day, our minds are filled with thoughts of romance. But – what is romance? The Oxford Language Dictionary defines it as, “the feeling of excitement and mystery associated with love” or “a quality or feeling of mystery, excitement, and remoteness from everyday life.” While excitement and mystery may seem attractive, remoteness definitely lacks some appeal. But what about love? As we look at the Bible, we realize that there should be very little mystery when it comes to the type of love (agape) that God desires us to display. This unconditional, sacrificial love is not supposed to be mysterious. Neither is it supposed to be remote. And to that end, the Bible is filled with qualities of this love that should be demonstrated. Of course, our minds return to 1 Corinthians 13. In that short chapter – we see what we should expect from love: patience; kindness; protection; sacrifice; selflessness; dependability; among other traits. Love is meant to be easily recognized. In fact, our memory verse for the month of February reinforced this. John 13:35 states, “By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.” As believers, our love should be so obvious that it allows people to see it and associate us with Christ. This February, let us purpose to live a life of love that is not mysterious – difficult or impossible to understand or know. Instead, let us live a life of love that is obvious – demonstrating our faith in Christ and our care for each other.
Hadley Community Church met on Monday, February 5, 2024 at 7 PM for the ANNUAL MEETING. This meeting was an encouraging time to reflect on what God has accomplished throughout the past year. It also helped to focus the congregation’s attention on 2024. We invite you to watch “A Year in Pictures: 2023”.