Day: December 23, 2023
Christmas Concert at HCC
Hadley Community Church welcomed the Foresters on Sat., December 23 at 6 PM.
The Foresters are a family band in full time Gospel Music Ministry. Based in Nashville, TN, they travel all across the United States and Canada, as well as Europe, holding more than 130 concerts each year. They play a large variety of instruments including, Piano, Bass Guitar, Acoustic Guitar, Mandolin, Harmonica and Drums. They write much of the material they sing. They also sing many of the great old hymns and gospel songs of the church. Mark is also an ordained minister and holds revival and preaching services in addition to their concert ministry. The Foresters consist of: Mark (vocals, piano and guitars) , Andrea (lead vocals) , Tyler (age 18- drums and guitar) and Trevor (age 14 – vocals and bass guitar).