Missionaries, Shawn and Frank Dvorak (with Wycliffe Bible Translators), joined us during our morning services on Sunday, Sept. 3, 2023. The Dvoraks shared a report on the work that they are doing during the Sunday Morning Bible Study at 9 AM. Then, Frank Dvorak presented a message based on Romans 10:13-17 during the Worship Service at 10 AM.
Month: August 2023
A Evening of Testimony and Fellowship
During the evening service on Sunday, August 27 – Tom and Liz Dominick shared about their experience following the rupture of Tom’s aorta on Aug 28, 2022. The couple expressed their appreciation for the support that they received from the congregation. But even more, they are thankful to God for His grace. Following the event, those in attendance shared a time of fellowship.
August 2023 – HCC is collecting school supplies THROUGH SEPTEMBER to benefit Murphy Elementary School. The items requested include: backpacks; crayons; pencils; paper; scissors; pencil cases; glue sticks; Elmer’s glue; colored pencils; and markers. THANK YOU FOR YOUR GENEROUS SUPPORT OF THIS PROJECT. Your participation is greatly appreciated.
Each year, HCC participated (along with millions of believers) to prepare CHRISTMAS SHOEBOXES as part of OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD – a ministry of Samaritan’s Purse. NATIONAL COLLECTION WEEK is November 13 – 20, 2023. More information about this project is available at https://www.samaritanspurse.org/what-we-do/operation-christmas-child/.
Cornhole Tournament
As part of our Church Picnic on August 13 – the Christian Education Committee and Youth Pastor Thomas Tatro hosted a CORNHOLE TOURNAMENT – 10 teams competed…
Thank you to all those that participated in the tournament. It was a time of fun and fellowship. We are happy to announce the winners of our tournament were from the team, “The Farmer and the Dell” -Robert and Tamra Hartwig.
HCC hosted its annual all-church Sunday School picnic at noon of Sunday, August 13 at the home of Robert and Tamra Hartwig (3830 Hadley Rd.) This event featured a wonderful buffet lunch, fun games, good fellowship, a time to honor our teachers, as well as the observance of Believer’s Baptism.
Busy Weekend for Youth Pastor
During the first weekend of August, Youth Pastor Thomas Tatro was busy! On Saturday, he (along with his family) represented Hadley Community Church at the annual Good Times in Goodrich event. During this event, they offered water, fellowship, and prayer to those that attended the event. On Sunday evening, the youth were invited to attend a fishing event at the home of HCC’s Clara Switzenberg.
Young At Heart – Aug. 2023
HCC hosted their monthly luncheon. Pastor Matthew led a trivia game involving ketchup, mustard, and mayo. Then, a devotion was shared. The highlight was a meal provided by Chris McIlroy (with dessert provided by Kelly Dallas, Bonnie Dennis, Sharon Polk, and Sherry Ecker-Smith).
August 2023 Sermon Series: Getting Ready for Your Next Promotion
During the month of August, the congregation of Hadley Community Church will be exploring a portion of the letter that God inspired the Apostle Paul to send to Timothy, the pastor of the church at Ephesus. Through these messages – we will be reminded that the Word of God, the Bible, is a tool that God has provided for our growth. We invite you to join us every Sunday!
Sunday School Promotion
August 6 – HCC will celebrate what the Lord has done through Sunday school during the past year. We will also use the opportunity to challenge and encourage participation in this important ministry.
We are blessed to have many wonderfully gifted Sunday school teachers and leaders!
Mrs. Sue Harrington – Asst SS Superintendent
Celebrating Youth / Children’s Ministry
During the evening service of July 30, the congregation of HCC celebrated what the Lord had accomplished during the Youth Retreat (in June) to the Creation Museum and Ark Encounter in Kentucky. The night also focused on Vacation Bible School (in July) where HCC welcomed 40+ students for a week that encouraged the student to make the choice to be part of God’s good kingdom.