Hadley Community Church is excited to host its annual Vacation Bible School. This year the students will explore the Full Armor of God from Ephesians 6. Classes are offered for Pre-K through 6th grade. Also, a parents’ class will be offered. Transportation is available!! Join us July 10 -14!! Visit the VBS page for the link to register online.
Month: April 2023
Celebrating the Women in our Lives
The Ladies’ Fellowship group at Hadley Community Church hosted a tea party to celebrate the women in our lives: grandmothers; mothers; sisters; daughters; cousins; aunts; co-workers; neighbors; friends; and more! The event will took place on Saturday, May 20, 2023 at 2pm. Thank you to Flo Tatro and Leslie Kirkpatrick (and all the ladies) that helped to make the event so special!

Remember and Celebrate
The congregation of Hadley Community Church invites you to join us for a time of remembrance and celebration. HCC will host several events on RESURRECTION SUNDAY (Easter!) on April 9, 2023. Our SUNRISE SERVICE begins at 7:00 AM. This will be followed by: EASTER BREAKFAST at 8:00 AM; SUNDAY SCHOOL at 9:00 AM; and our WORSHIP SERVICE at 10:00 AM.