Sunday Services:
9:00 AM – Sunday School & Adult Bible Study
10:00 AM – Morning Worship
6:00 PM – Sunday Evening Worship
6:30 PM – Christian Youth Fellowship
7:00 PM – Bible Study & Prayer
7:00 PM – College and Career
Sunday School classes for children of all ages and Adult Bible Study classes begin at 9:00 am. Our Morning Worship Service begins at 10:00 am and the evening services begin at 6:00 pm.
Ushers are available to assist you should you have any questions or special needs regarding seating or other general questions, and can direct you to the available Sunday morning bible study classes.
A safe and comfortable nursery is provided so parents can attend both, a bible study and the worship service. But if you prefer you are more than welcome to keep your children with you during the morning service.
Our members attend wearing business-casual attire. You will also see men in suits and ties, as well as some people wearing jeans. God sees and cares about our heart; it’s not about the style of clothing we wear.
The music we sing is a blend of doctrinally rich traditional hymns, conservative hymns, and contemporary songs of praise.
Our typical worship service begins with a call to worship Scripture reading, a traditional hymn, an opening prayer, some announcements, then more singing, Scripture reading or occasionally a responsive reading, the weekly offering and doxology, special music, a sermon from Pastor Coleman, followed by an invitation, a closing hymn or song of praise and prayer.