September 13, 2024 – 11 AM

HCC Ladies’ Fellowship will meet on Friday, Sept. 13 in the Fellowship Hall. The Ladies Fellowship meets alternating morning and evenings to enable everyone to participate. For more information, please contact LF’s Co-chairs, Danielle Coleman and Sherry Ecker-Smith.

September 28, 2024 – 6 PM

HCC invites you and your family to join us for the inspiring story of how God worked in the life of an Australian family. FREE POPCORN and DRINKS are included. Plus, door prizes will be awarded during the intermission!! Bring a LAWN CHAIR as we watch the film in our FELLOWSHIP HALL.

October 3, 2024 – Depart 9 AM

Second Half Trip – HCC will be visiting the Sanders Candy Factory and The Pantry Restaurant in Clinton Township. Sign up to reserve your space with the HCC Office!

October 5, 2024

HCC Youth will visit a local corn maze for some fall fun and fellowship. They will also enjoy apple cider and paint pumpkins.

October 8, 2024 – Noon

This event is a free meal for members of the community that are aged 50 or over. The meetings consist of a short devotion, a delicious meal, and a program. For October 2024, the guest speaker will be Jason Harrison, Hadley Township’s Supervisor-Elect.

October 17, 2024 – 7 PM

HCC Ladies’ Fellowship will meet on Thursday, October 17 in the Fellowship Hall. The Ladies Fellowship meets alternating morning and evenings to enable everyone to participate. For more information, please contact LF’s Co-Chairs, Danielle Coleman and Sherry Ecker-Smith.

October 18, 2024 – 7 PM

HCC’s Two Have Become One Again is a ministry of encouragement for the widows and widowers of our community. On October 18, the group will meet for a GAME NIGHT. Those that are participating should bring a snack to share!

October 20, 2024

HCC invites you to join us for our annual FALL HARVEST SUNDAY. Following our worship service, a potluck meal will be held in our fellowship hall. So bring a dish to share and come for a time of celebration!

October 27, 2024 – 6 PM

Service is an important aspect of being part of a church family. The HCC Youth will be presenting the “WORDLESS BOOK” during our evening service time. Come to support the youth and learn about this important evangelistic tool.

October 28, 2024 – 6:30 PM

HCC’s Book Club will meet to discuss Brady Cook’s modern retelling of the Parable of the Good Samaritan. Anyone can participate. Please bring a side dish or salad to share!

October 31, 2024 – 6 PM – 8 PM

HCC will host its annual TRUNK OR TREAT event on the evening of October 31. This family-friendly event will seek to offer a positive alternative that is uplifting and glorifies the Lord. Hot dogs will be served and of course, candy will be distributed!

(NOTE: Any individuals hosting a “trunk” must complete the HCC Child Protection Policy paperwork.)

November 3, 2024 – 9 AM / 10 AM

Jeff and Tonda Street (missionaries to Quebec) will be joining us for our Sunday School and Worship Service on Sunday, November 3. We invite you to join us as we learn about what God has been doing in Quebec!

November 7, 2024 – Depart at 9 AM

HCC’s SECOND HALF group will take a trip to the Country View Bulk Food store. This store is known for a wide selection of meats, cheeses, baked goods, spices, and more. The group will enjoy lunch at their cafe’ which offers many fresh options.

November 8, 2024 – 11 AM

HCC Ladies’ Fellowship will meet on Friday, November 8, in the Fellowship Hall. The Ladies Fellowship meets alternating morning and evenings to enable everyone to participate. For more information, please contact LF’s Co-Chairs, Danielle Coleman and Sherry Ecker-Smith.

November 12, 2024 – Noon

This event is a free meal for members of the community that are aged 50 or over. The meetings consist of a short devotion, a delicious meal, and a program. For November 2024, the program will focus on Thanksgiving.

November 21, 5 PM – 7:30 PM

HCC Youth and others will be volunteering at the monthly Lion’s Club Spaghetti Dinner. Christ calls us to serve God and others. This is a fun way to reach out to our community with the love of Jesus.

November 22, 2024

HCC’s Two Have Become One Again is a ministry of encouragement for the widows and widowers of our community. On November 21, the group will meet to celebrate and enjoy some Thanksgiving fellowship.

November 24, 2024 – 6 PM

As we prepare for Thanksgiving, HCC unites for an evening of fellowship and reflection over a hot bowl of soup. Join us for this special event.

CHRISTMAS DECORATING – November 25, 2024 – 6:30 PM

Join us as we decorate the FELLOWSHIP HALL for Christmas!

Lighting of the Township Tree and Mill Bridge – December 3, 2024 – tentative date

This is a highlight of the Christmas season at Hadley. Join hundreds of your neighbors as they sing Christmas carols and walk from the Old Township Hall to the Bridge at the Historic Mill.

A Christmas Concert with the Foresters – December 6, 2024 – 6 PM

HCC welcomes the return of the Foresters. They are a family band in full time Christian Music Ministry. Based in Nashville, TN, they travel all across the United States and Canada, holding more than 110 concerts each year. They have also held three tours in Europe.  The Foresters are Christian Music Family Band. They play a large variety of instruments including, Piano, Bass Guitar, Acoustic Guitar, Mandolin, Harmonica and Drums. They write much of the material they sing. Their style is current and fresh with strong lyrical content. The Foresters consist of:  Mark (vocals, piano and guitars) , Andrea (lead vocals) , Tyler (age 19- drums and guitar) and Trevor (age 15 – vocals and bass guitar)

December 7, 2024

HCC Youth will travel to Frankentrost for their annual Living Nativity. This event draws thousands over three evenings.

December 10, 2024 – 9 AM – Noon

HCC’s Young at Heart for December will be different. Instead of a delicious meal, each participant will be given a cookie plate filled with homemade treats. SIGN UP BEFORE DECEMBER 6 IN ORDER TO GUARANTEE YOUR CHRISTMAS COOKIE PLATE.

December 14, 2024 – Depart 11 AM

HCC will be traveling to Holly for its annual HOLLY DICKENS FESTIVAL. The event tries to bring to life the world that Charles Dickens created in A Christmas Carol. Our group has a reservation for an audience with “Queen Victoria”.

December 15, 2024 – 5 PM – 6:30 PM

Gingerbread Bash is a hands-on Christmas event where families build gingerbread nativities and discover the life-changing gift of Jesus. It features music, games, and a chance to create your own nativity scene.


December 17, 2024 – 5:30 PM – 7:45 PM

HCC’s Two Have Become One Again is a ministry of encouragement for the widows and widowers of our community. On December 17, the group will meet to celebrate and enjoy some Christmas fellowship at White Horse Inn in Metamora, MI in one of their IGLOOS.

December 19, 2024 – 7 PM

HCC Ladies’ Fellowship will meet on Thursday, December 19, in the Fellowship Hall. The Ladies Fellowship meets alternating morning and evenings to enable everyone to participate. For more information, please contact LF’s Co-Chairs, Danielle Coleman and Sherry Ecker-Smith.

December 21, 2024

HCC will be spreading Christmas cheer by singing Christmas carols.

December 24, 2024 – 7 PM

HCC invites you to join us for our CHRISTMAS EVE service. This special service features music, Scripture, and is meant to focus our attention on the truth of Christmas – the Nativity of Jesus Christ.

December 29, 2024 – 10 AM

HCC welcomes Greg Bullen from WMPC Radio in Lapeer, MI. HCC supports the ministry of WMPC and we look forward to a challenging message from Mr. Bullen.

January 2, 2025 – Depart 10 AM

HCC’s SECOND HALF group will take a trip to the Henry Ford Museum of American Innovation. This museum is home to millions of exhibits. Among those that are most notable: The Lincoln Chair (the seat in which the president was sitting while watching Our American Cousins) at Ford’s Theatre; The Kennedy Car (the 1961 Lincoln Continental in which the president was sitting when he was assassinated); the bus in which Rosa Parks began her protest; and so many other items. If you have never been – it is a must! The trip will cost $30.50 for admission, plus the cost of a meal at the museum.

January 10, 2025 – 11 AM

HCC Ladies’ Fellowship will meet on Friday, January 10, in the Fellowship Hall. The Ladies Fellowship meets alternating morning and evenings to enable everyone to participate. For more information, please contact LF’s Co-Chairs, Danielle Coleman and Sherry Ecker-Smith.

January 14, 2025 – Noon

This event is a free meal for members of the community that are aged 50 or over. The meetings consist of a short devotion, a delicious meal, and a program.

January 18, 2025 – 6 PM

HCC invites you to a night of laughs. This family-friendly event will feature humor that will tickle your funny bone! BRING A SNACK TO SHARE!!

January 27, 2025 – Depart at 10 AM

HCC will take a trip to see the Snow and Ice creations that were exhibited in Frankenmuth’s SnowFest. The trip will begin with lunch at Zehnder’s Restaurant.

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  • The WayThe PathRenewalFaithSalvationTruthLight
    John 14:6 "Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me."
    Psalms 16:11 "Thou wilt shew me the path of life: in thy presence is fulness of joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore." Psalms 119:105 "Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path."
    Psalms 51:10 "Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me." 2 Corinthians 5:17 "Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new."
    Hebrews 11:1 "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." Hebrews 11:6 "But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him."
    Acts 3:19 "Repent therefore and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, so that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord," Ephesians 2:8-9 "For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast."
    John 16:13 "..when He, the Spirit of truth, is come, He will guide you into all truth: ... : and He will show you things to come."
    John 8:12 "Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life."